Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Ted talk on fish farms

           With all of the fish we eat fish populations are decreasing rapidly and we don't even know it; but now with this issue at hand, fish companies are build fish farms all around the world, some be some of the bad, some good. Hear are the big fish farms that is in this ted talk on fish.
           This is all happening right now and the problem is getting worse. One man saw this problem first hand and thought to look more into this fishy business, so he set off to see were our fish come from. Why, because when this man was in Spain, he had the best fish he had ever tasted. So he he set off to see all of these fish farms.
          They and first fish farms he visited was industrial fish farms and no one like the fish because they were dirty and badly fed. Then he came upon a fish farm in Spain that had around 15 to 75 acres of wet lands were they can raise their fish. It was the biggest and nicest fish farm he had ever seen, the fish were in natural ponds and didn't have industrial food; they fed themselves with the algae and all of the stuff at the bottom of each pond. Plus the cool thing about this is that they let birds feed off of their fish! He asked "Why are you keeping these birds here?" The man said its natural way of feeding, fish eat algae and the birds eat 20% of our fish. So with this system; This man has managed to build the best fish farm in the world and feed 2,000 species of native birds. Finally the coolest thing about this farm is that it takes polluted water from the near by river and through the fishes life process; it cleans the water of all chemicals and stuff and then puts the water back into the river, there for cleaning the near river.
What I took out of this Ted talk is that we need to find better ways to get our fish and that there are already really good ways to farm fish, and to make the environment cleaner and healthier to all life.

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